We'll Take Care Of It

I was asked to ink Lan Medina's Cable/Deadpool cross-overs, from issues 25-27. It was fun, and I enjoyed inking Lan's pencils. Although there were times we were getting late, which I don't like since I am starting again as an Inker. My boss asked me to do a tryout last year. I told them I am much comfortable inking Lan's work as I enjoy colouring his pages. Anyway, I was asked if I could embellish his work, I told them I could do that, but that depends if I have much time to enhance the panels. This kept in my head and I want to do what my boss told me. So I was given three issues of Cable/Deadpool to ink. I was excited.
So we were couple or five days late, so Lan was bashing all the pages. He was quick and I was slow. I was trying to cope but what was keeping me slow is trying to embelish his work. If I do that, I'll be more late! So one should be sacrificed.
Above image was one panel on the page we did on Cable/Deadpool #26. Lan really rushed the page and it was all in my hand to enhance it. Well, I tried but time was running out.
I was thinking if these pages were digitally inked (or darkened to look like it was inked)? Would they come up with better result?
I don think so... although lan is a very good penciler.. that particular panel wont look as great if it was darkened as opposed to actual inks.
anyway nice job sir:)
Thanks, Kino. That's what I'm telling some friends o'mine who were asking about digital inking (D-ink). I told them it won't always give you better result when you manipulate the pencils to make it look like it was inked.
Anyways, thanks again for you thoughts.
Looks nice! You hooked it up!
Hey, Aaron! Thank you. :)
good work :) watched your video by the way. hehehe gago ka talaga. I'd love to see the feathers fly when gerry gets his revenge!
LOL @Jac. Sport naman si Gerry, eh. My video blog #6 is the last video where my clone blamed Gerry about YouTube...so, Clone's dead and everything is peaceful now. Hwehehehe!
That good red past...
Best wishes from Buenos Aires...
Alexiev Store
That's the hardest thing to do:
Interpret an artist's pencils
with black ink!!!
It's like 5 actors doing Hamlet's soliloquy.....it's ALL up to interpretation.
Same thing with digital inking; every artist will handle PhotoShop/ Illustrator or Painter differently.
This is very good. I think you did a great job on it. I hope one day I can ink as great as you. You really do have skill. So don't beat yourself up. =D
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